Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Outdoorsy stuff
By Cormac, Jak and Reuben

Hey you
Stop playing on your device go outside do something in your life. Your not a cat you don’t have 9 lives not 8 not 7 not 6 not 5 not 4 not 3 not 2 just one. So create a memory. Imagine you going to school and saying hey i caught an eel or hey I swam with an eel or even hey I got bit by an eel and so much more.So create a memory. Imagine you going to school and saying hey i caught an eel or hey I swam with an eel or even hey I got bit by an eel and so much more.  

It’s alright
to go on a device once in a while but do some outdoorsy stuff got it. Now read this book with your mind open.
Article 1
The Gear

When your eeling the gear needed is stuff like eeling rods,bait,towel,bucket and fishing tackle. Eels are very strong and make tangles in the lines on the rod. If you are hand lining the eels will most probably snap the line so when eeling bring thick fishing string of number 15 wire. Do not use home string use fishing string. The bucket you use has to be 2 rulers high and 1 ruler wide.

The gear, eels struggle to fight are rope big sinker and big hooks. It is those because the eels eat the hook and the can not spit it back out. It is also the big sinker so the eel can not swim to the currant. Do not use small  hooks because the eels will eat and digest the hook. And then probably snap line with teeth.
Article 2
Best time to hunt

Best time to hunt is 6 o’clock to 11 o’clock at night in the summer.  Why in the summer you might ask. Hunt in the summer because in winter they go out to the ocean and Tonga to have baby’s.

You can hunt them at 8 in the morning to 7 In the afternoon. But it is better to hunt them at night. Because eels like dark but not that dark so don’t worry you can still see them.

Eels mostly sleep for only 30 mins and that’s like 2 in the afternoon till 2 30. Because eels like to be Active but not when they see a person. So hide in a place that the eel can’t see. And then quickly see the eels cave that it goes into. And then come out and catch theel.

It is best to catch the medium sized ones. The big ones took a long time to grow that big. And the small ones should be able to grow some more.
Article 3

Health and safety when you go eeling you need to bring a first aid kit. And also when you go to pick up an eel you need to hold it by the gill stilt and tail. Because if you hold it by the gill stilt it won't slip away and it can’t hurt you there. And hold it by the tail because if you don’ it can whip you with its tail.

If you don’t have a first aid kit you can make your own. All you need is a plastic bag, two big bandaids, two small bandaids, plaster, scissors, gloves, cloth tape, coton and alcohol.

You might think that’s a bit weird but you pour it on the sor and it will take pain away. How to get away from pain is easy never go two meters in front of an eel and look it in the eyes because if you do it will bite and

also never fight an eel it will always win never and finally never go into an eels habitat it gets really mad and if there two eels if you get one eel the other gets mad and stacks you might think it would swim away but no it doesn’t.

article 4
How to catch an eel

If you want to catch eels there's million of ways to but i’ll cut it down to 3 ways

.1 with this one you have to make a lump of dirt compacted going up towards the sky. Just by the water then you pour water on the bump then make a wide hole at the end of the bump toward the land not to deep. but deep enough for the eel to not get out. Put a food you know the eels would like to eat

.2 get a big dome shape then you make a hole on the side.
Enough for the eel to fit in then put attach  heavy rocks around it evenly so it doesn't float

get a strong strait stick sharpen it with something sharp knife. make sure the head is a bit big and heavy but not too heavy otherwise it won’t go far.

Article 5  eel recipes
there are 3 ways to cook an eel. smoke them, cut them like steak and the last one is to make fillets out of them
Okay i,ll tell you the smoke recipe.
Step 1 cut the eel in halve. Step 2  wash the eel.Step 3 put sugar and spices on.

 Step 4 cook it. Step 5 you have a smoked eel. Now i,ll tell you how to cut them like steak. Step 1 get eels cut into small pieces. Step 2 put spices and salts on. Step 3 put them in the oven. Step 4 you have made an cut eel, okay i,ll tell you the other one it is to make fillets out of them. Step 1 cut eel in half. Step 2 put spices and sugar on it. Step 4 put it in the oven. Step 5 you have a fillet.

Long fin eels are the biggest freshwater eel they can reach lengths of 4 meters. When the long finned eels are small they eat insect larvae and worms. As they grow bigger they eat duckling and freshwater crayfish and possibly baby pukeko. Short finned eat the same diet.

Article 6

Okay i,ll tell you the smoke recipe.
Step 1 cut the eel in halve. Step 2  wash the eel.Step 3 put sugar and spices on.

 Step 4 cook it. Step 5 you have a smoked eel. Now i,ll tell you how to cut them like steak. Step 1 get eels cut into small pieces. Step 2 put spices and salts on. Step 3 put them in the oven. Step 4 you have made an cut eel, okay i,ll tell you the other one it is to make fillets out of them. Step 1 cut eel in half. Step 2 put spices and sugar on it. Step 4 put it in the oven. Step 5 you have a fillet.

Article 7    making eel trap
Get a bottle and cut a hole on the bottom of the bottle. And make a funnel. Put some old bait in the bottle. Now you have a eel trap.

Another way is to get a bucket with a lid. Cut a eel sizes hole in the top of the bucket put the lid on the bucket. And then get a lot of stones and put them in a bag and put the bag of stones in the bucket and done

  Put in a pole and close one end put some bait in then put it in the swampy water wait for ten hours then come back to eel trap. And check if there are any eel.
Article 8   making eel rod

Making an eel rod is easy all you need is a stick that is thick and about 20 cm long. Get a long piece of fishing string and a nail. Hammer the nail into the wood but leave 2 cm out.
Then tie a knot around the nail and wrap the rest of the fishing string around the stick. And finally get a fishing hook and find the end of the fishing string and tie a knot around the hook. Put some bait on the end of the hook

Article 9 making a spear.
Find a bamboo pole cut 2 splits on one end. Put two kindlings in the splits. Chuck  some bait in water then wait. For an eel to come when they do come throw the spear at the eel. You have an eeling spear

Article 10 bait

For bait you need beef, chicken, raw eeg, insect larvae, worms and baby carp. You can chose about worms, insect larvae and baby carp some of you don’t even know what carp is. Carp is a fish and the babies are very small.


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